Three applicants are in Frederick County.
Annapolis, Md (AP) A Maryland panel has named the top applicants for growing and processing medical marijuana, and three of the applicants are in Frederick County.
The Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission on Monday announced the top 15 growers and 15 processors who are in line to eventually be licensed, if they win final approval after background checks. Nearly half of them were selected to be both growers and processors.
Green Leaf Medical and HMS Health have awarded Stage One Licenses as growers, and Pro Green Medical has been awarded a Stage One license as a processor. All three are based in Frederick County.
The commission chose from a pool of 145 grower applicants and 124 processor applicants.
Medical cannabis is not expected to be available from Maryland dispensaries until next year.
The commission is expected to grant 94 dispensary licenses out of 811 applications later this year.