Health Care For All Says Poll Supports Efforts To Bring Down Prescription Drug Prices

It plans to introduce legislation to do that in 2017.

Baltimore, Md. (KM) A majority of Marylanders support efforts to bring down the high cost of prescription drugs. That’s according to a poll released by the Maryland Citizens Health Initiative.

President Vinnie DeMarco of Health Care for All, says more than 80% of participants  support requiring prescription drug corporations to disclose the basis for their high-priced drugs and notify the public of steep increases. In addition, he says they support giving the Maryland Attorney General’s office the authority to take legal action to prevent price gouging.

“Prices for prescription drugs have rising dramatically, hurting people and increasing insurance premiums,” says DeMarco. “This is mostly a federal issue but we at a state need to do what we can and we think these three proposals are good policy, and, as our poll shows, good politics.”

The poll was conducted by Opinion Works, says Maryland Citizens Health Initiative.

DeMarco took note of the huge price increases for the Epi-Pen. “That is a good example of why we need this. And I think the people of Maryland know that these kind of things should not happen, and we want to give our Attorney General the authority to prevent that,” he said.

There are plans to introduce these three proposals as legislation when the 2017 Maryland General Assembly convenes in January. “We’re going to propose a measure next year and we’re going to, with this poll, show that the people want it. And what the data show is that it makes sense. It will save lives and give people health care coverage,” DeMarco said.

But he notes that pharmaceutical companies will fight this legislation. “They are very powerful. It;s not going to be easy. But with this kind of support from Maryland people, I think we can do it,” says DeMarco.