State Budget Contains Funding For Downtown Hotel/Conference Center

City officials say the funding is needed for the project to proceed.


Frederick, Md (KM) The proposed downtown Frederick hotel and conference center appears to be going full steam ahead. City officials recently announced that the state’s fiscal year 2018 budget contains $1-million for project planning and design work, and $4-million dollars for acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair and renovation of the facility.


“It’s significant that the state legislature through the budget recognizes the importance of this project to economic development, not just for the city of Frederick, but also for the state,” says Mayor Randy McClement, in a statement.


$7.5-million has been pre-authorized for fiscal year 2019, and $3.5-million has been pre-authorized for fiscal year 2020.


The downtown hotel and conference center has been proposed for the former Frederick News-Post building on East Patrick Street. It’s expected to have 207 rooms and 23,500 square feet for the conference center.


The cost is projected to costĀ  $84-million dollars, with the city and county providing $31-million public infrastructure.


Opponents of the project say the taxpayers of Frederick city and the county will end upĀ  being on the hook if the hotel and conference center fails. But supporters say Plamondon Hospitality Partners, which will operate the facility, will take all of the risk.


With this funding secured, Mayor McClement says the project team can now work with Plamondon Hospitality Partners to finalize the scope of the project.


In addition to the city and the county, the hotel and conference center also has the support of the Chamber of Commerce, including the Major Employers Group, the Downtown Frederick Partnership and the Tourism Council of Frederick County.,


By Kevin McManus