The End of the World As We Know It… What Are the Competing Views Among Christians?
Dispensational. Amillennial. Post Millennial. Pre-Trib. Post-Trib. Mid-Trib. Preterist. Futurist. Partial Preterist. These are all words that can come up when discussing eschatology, “last things”, Armageddon. “the end of the age”. What do they all mean? How should we examine these sorts of perspectives? This episode provides an overview in defining these terms, and sets up the discussion that will follow over four additional shows.
Panel: Troy Skinner, 930 WFMD Moderator. Dr. Jace Broadhurst, Pastor at Poolesville Baptist Church. Travis Finley, blogger and podcaster with a Master of Divinity degree from Reformed Theological Seminary.
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