Name Picked For Business & Technology Center In Frederick

A logo and slogan were also announced.


Frederick, Md (KM). It’s a new way to describe the work of the Business and Technology Cultivation Center in Frederick. On Thursday, County Executive Jan Gardner said the building at 118 North Market Street will be called “Root.” It also has a logo and a slogan which states “Dig Deep. Cultivate Tomorrow.”

“Just as private businesses need a brand so people know who they are and what they do, the partners in the Cultivation Center needed a brand and a name that’s a little different from the Cultivation Center to let people know what this new center and this new location is all about,” says Gardner.

She says this new name and slogan state  that the Center’s mission is to grow people and their businesses. “The process to develop that brand was collaborative. All of the major tenants are working together to identity key words and ideas that spoke to the purpose of the center,” says Gardner. “This process was guided by the consultants at the Verve Partnership.”

The new center will host a second business incubator on the first floor. The Chamber of Commerce is moving its headquarters into the second floor. The third floor will house the Office of Economic Development.

During the County Executive’s public briefing, Office of Economic Development Director Helen Propheter said the name “Root” is very appropriate. “When we thought of the name ‘Root,’ it just made sense for economic development,:” she said. “Our goal is to provide supportive services so businesses can grow and become rooted in Frederick County. That’s what economic development is.”

County officials say the new incubator inside “Root” will complement the existing facility on Metropolitan Court. Both will be operated by the Frederick Innovative Technology Center, Inc. CEO Kathy Callahan-Brady says this new incubator  changes the way economic development does business from a CEO-driven organization to a community-driven organization. “When you look at this center and all of this coming together and all of the people that are going be housed in this center, we are a community,” she said.

Construction of the new business incubator is expected to be completed by the early 2018.

A business incubator houses start up businesses which don’t have the money to purchase or rent their own space. This allows them to concentrate on growing their businesses. As they become profitable, they eventually move out of the incubator  to a location they have purchased or are leasing.

Gardner also hopes this new center will work with the local public school system. “We know it’s very important to create that pipeline of workers, and we’re trying to encourage that from the middle school level all the way to get kids interested in STEM and innovation jobs,” she said. “Our businesses really want to make sure we have that workforce. So we want our education partners involved right from the beginning and to be able to co-locate right here with us.”

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Math and Engineering.

A statement says this branding of the Business and Technology Cultivation Center helps fulfill the County Executive’s vision of creating jobs and encouraging new business startups in Frederick County. “‘Root’ is cutting edge. It’s the first of its kind. And it is proof that Frederick County means business,” says Gardner.


By Kevin McManus