Special Enforcement On Rt 15 This Weekend

During this operation all State Police agencies along Route 15 from New York to Florida will be participating.

FREDERICK, Md. (DG) – Maryland State Police in Frederick will be participating with other law enforcement across the eastern seaboard this weekend in an operation called “Border to Border”.

During this operation all State Police agencies along Route 15 from New York to Florida will be participating.

Troopers will be highly visible along the Route 15 corridor conducting traffic and criminal enforcement. Special drug sniffing K9s will be assisting Troopers to reduce drugs, like heroine, being transported along the busy roadway.

This weekend Maryland State Police and Frederick Police will be conducting a sobriety checkpoint along Route 15 northbound near 7th Street.

Police remind anyone who travels this weekend to buckle-up, put the phone down, and drive sober.

-Dianah Gibson