Discussion of “Last Things”, “End Times”, “The End of the World”… In Other Words “Eschatology”.
When studying the Bible for answers to these sorts of questions, is it okay to allegorize biblical prophesies or should things be understood more literally? How literally? How allegorically? And why? How should this be done to remain within the scope of orthodoxy? This is part 4 in a series of 5 shows during which a Full Preterist tries to explain his view and persuade two Partial Preterists to consider his viewpoint.
Panel: Troy Skinner, 930 WFMD Moderator. Dr. Jace Broadhurst, Pastor at Poolesville Baptist Church. Travis Finley, blogger and podcaster with a Master of Divinity degree from Reformed Theological Seminary.
Link to Faith Debate podcasts on iTunes here. Stream, Share, Download, and Embed past shows using the WFMD “Audio Vault” here.