City To Spray Copper Sulfates To Combat Algae Growth

It will take place on Thurs. at Lake Linganore & Fishing Creek Reservoir.


Frederick, Md. (KM) The City of Frederick will be applying copper sulfate to Lake Linganore and Fishing Creek Reservoir on Thursday morning. Officials say the  purpose will be to treat and control algae.

The copper sulfate crystals which will be diluted with water will be sprayed along the shorelines. 180 pounds will be applied to Lake Linganore from 7:30 AM until 11:00 AM; and four pounds will be sprayed on the reservoir from 10:30 AM until 12:00 noon. In the event of greater than a 50-percent chance of rain, the spraying will be rescheduled.

City officials say the Maryland Department of the Environment and the Lake Linganore Association have been made aware of this treatment plan.
By Kevin McManus