It will involve an additional bridge & travel lanes.
Frederick, Md (KM) Work to improve a roadway which provides connections to and from Routes 15 and 340 is expected to begin next year. The Maryland State Highway Administration says these improvements for Route 180 between Swallowtail Drive and Solarex Court are expected to relieve traffic congestion in that area.
The improvements will consist of the “construction of a new bridge over US 15 south of the exiting bridge that will include two eastbound travel lanes, with a bike lane, a shoulder and five-foot sidewalks. And we’ll be re-configuring the bridge that’s there now for two westbound travel lanes. So basically, you’re getting another lane in each direction that’s going to include the paving and widening for that extra travel lane,” says SHA spokesman Charlie Gischlar.
Other improvements include the construction of Americans with Disabilities Act compliant sidewalks, replacing the traffic signs and signals, putting in new pavement markings, landscaping and lighting, an additional travel lane along Route 180 between Himes Avenue and Solarex Court, and an another left turn lane on to Solarex Court.
The area of Route 180 can become traffic bottleneck, especially during rush hour.
Gischlar says construction is expected to begin in 2018, and be finished within two years. “This type of project is going to be a two-construction season project. So you’re talking about maybe the fall of 2020 or the spring of ’21,” he says.
He estimates the project will cost between $29-million and $31-million, and that includes design and construction.
To keep up to date on this project, SHA says go to its website at (, and click on the projects and studies page. Then go to Frederick County page which will show everything that’s coming up and what projects are underway.
By Kevin McManus