Frederick County Assessing Damage From Heavy Rains & Flooding

It’s asking businesses  & residents to answer post-assessment surveys.



Frederick, Md (KM)( If your home or business suffered damage during the recent heavy rains and flooding, you’re encouraged to take part in a post-assessment survey. Residents can go on line and answer the survey, providing details of the losses they suffered.

The Frederick County Division of Emergency Management says this data will be used to support the county’s requests for federal disaster assistance from floods on May 15th and 16th. . Both Frederick City and the county have declared States of Emergency.

If funding becomes available, it will help residents and businesses cover some of the repair costs. But county officials say any federal assistance is not guaranteed. The deadline to fill out  the surveys out is June 15th.

The survey for  businesses and commercial properties can be found at For home and residential properties, it’s

“Frederick County was  fortunate to avoid any additional significant precipitation and flooding at the end of the week,” says County Executive Jan Gardner in a statement. “However, everyone should remain vigilant in case flash flooding returns over the next few days. These surveys will help our citizens as we gather information to assist with our recovery efforts.”

Residents who were affected by the floods and need immediate assistance can call the American Red Cross Client Assistance Line at 410-624-2040, and visit the Flooding Recovery webpage at The United Way of Frederick County has launched a flood relief campaign at

Citizens who want additional information should call the county’s ‘ Emergency Management Division at 301-600-1746, or by e-mail at [email protected].


By Kevin McManus