It replaces the Department of Aging.
Frederick, Md (KM). A new division within Frederick County Government was launched on Thursday. During her public information briefing, County Executive Jan Gardner said the Division of Senior Services is ready to begin operations, replacing the Department of Aging which was part of the Division of Citizens Services.
“In the fall of 2015, I formed the Seniors First Committee, as part of a Seniors First Initiative, to look at how we need to revision and reshape our delivery of services,” said Gardner. “A key recommendation of Seniors First was to elevate senior issues by creating a new separate division in county government.”
The new agency has four directives. “To collaborate with community-based services to increase resources to assist middle and low income seniors so they can remain in our community,”: says Gardner. “Second, to insure affordable housing for our seniors, really our most needy seniors being a key focus.”
The other two are “to insure adequate primary health care and preventive health services for senior population and people with disabilities; and fourth, to insure there are accessible, appropriate transportation services throughout the county for seniors and, again, for people with disabilities,”: Gardner continues.
She says the senior population in Frederick County is expected to grow the fastest compared to theĀ theĀ state of Maryland, and even Florida. In addition, the number of people 60 and older is expected to surpass the number of school age children by 2020 in the county.
Earlier this week, the County Council approved the appointment of Kathy Schey as the director of the Division of Senior Services. She spoke during the County Executive’s public information briefing on Thursday. “I’m so exited to be able to bring the Seniors First Initiative into fruition, and really be able to serve a continuum of adults,” she says. “This is a exciting time in Frederick County, and I look forward to serving older adults in Frederick County.”
By Kevin McManus