Flood Warning Extended To 9:30 PM

Flooding continues on several creeks and streams in the area.



The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has extended the

* Flood Warning for…
Frederick County in north central Maryland…

* Until 930 PM EDT Monday.

* At 255 PM EDT, stream gauges indicate flooding continues on
several area creeks and streams. Continue to heed any and all road

* Some locations that may experience flooding include…
Frederick, Thurmont, Emmitsburg, Harry Grove Stadium, Ballenger
Creek, Walkersville, Braddock Heights, New Market, Clover Hill,
Discovery-Spring Garden, Linganore-Bartonsville, Adamstown,
Woodsboro, Buckeystown, Libertytown, Monrovia, Sabillasville, New
Midway, Doubs and Park Mills.


Turn around, don`t drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood
deaths occur in vehicles.

A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring. All
interested parties should take necessary precautions immediately.


By The National Weather Service