Why does the question of interpretation matter in the “real world”?
This is the fourth and final show with our current esteemed panel. This show will work to cover ground we’ve missed over the first three weeks, seek to take a deeper dive on particular questions, and provide an opportunity for tying up loose ends. We’ve been using as a guide and outline for our discussions, the flow of a book which was edited by Michael J. Gorman. It’s called “Scripture and Its Interpretation”. Here are some questions we hoped to tackle as we entered the final show in the arc:
How has the Bible been received, and what is its significance (generally speaking)?
How does the Bible, and its interpretation, effect contemporary Christian existence? (Spirituality, Ethics, Politics, Community)
How then shall we live? (Mission, embodying Pentecost, etc.)
The panel:
Troy Skinner. 930 WFMD Host/Moderator of The Faith Debate.
Jonathan Switzer. Past-President of Frederick’s Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship, Founder of “Frederick 48”, former candidate for School Board in Frederick County, Founder of Crossroads Valley Church, and founder of BRIDGES.
Michelle Rader. Lead Elder at Damascus Road Community Church, and student pursuing a Master of Arts in Theology degree from St. Mary’s College.
Link to Faith Debate podcasts on iTunes here. Stream, Share, Download, and Embed past shows using the WFMD “Audio Vault” here.