New Chief Of Resource Education & Visitor Services For Monocacy National Battlefield

She worked recently at the National Mall.



Frederick, Md (KM) The Monocacy National Battlefield has a new Chief of Resource Education and Visitors Services. Jana Friesen McCabe will take over that position.

McCabe recently worked at the National Mall, where she was she was Supervisory Park Ranger in the Division of Interpretation and Education. She also played a critical role in developing and putting into place interpretative and educational strategies for the Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument which was established in April, 2016, according to a news release from the National Park Service.

She also had 20 years of service at other National Parks, including the Arlington House/George Washington Memorial Parkway, the Old Stone House/Rock Creek Park, the Washington Support Office, National Capital Region, the C&O Canal National Historical Park and Yosemite National Park.

In its news release, the Park Service says McCabe lives in Frederick with her family. She holds a Master Degree in Luso-Brazilian literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

The Monocacy National Battlefield Visitor’s Center is located at 5201 Urbana Pike in Frederick. The hours of operation 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. .


By Kevin McManus