Frederick Man With HIV Charged With Knowingly Transmitting The Virus

Police say he had sexual relations with women, but did not tell them he had HIV.


Frederick, Md (KM) Charges have been filed against a Frederick man who had sexual relations with several women knowing he was HIV positive. Police say Rudolph Jericho  Smith, 34, was arrested on Monday.

Authorities say a detective contacted several victims and wrote up a number of search and seizure warrants. Evidence was presented to a Grand Jury which returned an indictment against Smith. He’s charged with four counts each of 1st-degree assault, reckless endangerment and knowingly transmitting HIV, the virus which causes AIDS. Police say Smith met these women on various dating websites and apps.

Anyone who has  had a relationship with Smith on or before July, 2017, is asked to contact Frederick Police. They can send a text via 240-674-8477. They can call 301-600-TIPS {8477}, or send an e-mail to [email protected]. A detective will follow up with them.


By Kevin McManus


Randolph Smith

Randolph Smith