A New Roundabout is Coming to MD 180 in Jefferson

The $3 million project will begin after Frederick County students are out of school for the summer.


(FREDERICK, MD ) –The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) is beginning a project that will improve safety and overall intersection operations at the MD 180 (Jefferson Pike) Mt. Zion Road intersection in Jefferson. The $3 million project, which includes constructing a roundabout at the intersection, will be completes by the end of the year.

To expedite the project, MDOT SHA’s contractor, Concrete General, Inc. of Gaithersburg, will close and detour MD 180 for eight weeks beginning after the Frederick County school system recess in mid-June (June 20).  For motorists on MD 180, drivers will be detoured US 340, which runs parallel to MD 180. The detour for Mt. Zion Road will use Stone Road to Teen Barnes Road to MD 180 and back to Mt. Zion Road.

“Roundabouts are extremely effective at minimizing high-impact and serious crashes,” said MDOT SHA District Engineer John Concannon. “Since drivers are slowed as they negotiate roundabouts, angle crashes are sufficiently reduced, increasing safety for everyone who travels through this intersection.”

Since MDOT SHA started constructing roundabouts in 1994, there have been zero intersection-related fatalities.

“Approximately, 4,000 motorists travel through this intersection every day, ” said SHA spokesman Charles Gishler.   “Motorist’s patience during the detour is much needed as we work hard to expedite the project,”  added Gishler.