American Foundation For Suicide Prevention Advocating For Community To End Stigmas

Those struggling with mental health issues aren’t alone.



Frederick, MD – Mental health issues are a growing concern in the US with over 45,000 suicides reported in 2017.

According to the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US and the 11th leading cause of death in Maryland with 630 deaths in 2017.

Maryland and Delaware Area Director of the ASFP,  Kat Olbrich,  said that knowing the signs of depression and suicidal tendencies  are  key for knowing how to intervene.

“There are behavior changes,” Olbrich said. “If you feel like this person is not acting the way they usually do, reach out to them.”

Olbrich explained there are three categories of warning signs for suicide: talk, behavior and mood.

“Reach out to them. Ask ‘Are you ok? Are you thinking about suicide?'” Olbrich said. “Using the word suicide does not plant the idea in their head. It actually makes them realize that you are serious about this, and that they can talk to you about their feelings.”

On October 26, the AFSP will host the Out of the Darkness Frederick Walk at Baker Park to raise awareness and raise funds for new research, educational programs, public policy advocation, and to support survivors of suicide loss.

More information on the event can be found at

By Timothy Young