The Board also told the calendar committee to develop academic calendars for the next two years.
Frederick, Md. (DG & KM) -The Frederick County Board of Education Wednesday night adopted a new calendar for the 2020-2021 academic year.
Classes will begin on August 31, 2020, a week before Labor Day. There will be 24 full weeks of instruction, and two weeks with an early dismissal.
Schools will be closed on Fair Day and Yom Kippur, and spring break will be from March 29 through April 5, 2021.
The last day of school will be June 15, 2021.
Board of Ed member Lois Jarman says students benefit when classes start in August rather than the day after Labor Day.
“I do think academically that those early start dates are better, and I was really, really quite taken aback by the number of parents who agreed with that,” Jarman said.
The Board also told the calendar committee to develop academic calendars for the next two years.
A five-year charter extension for the Carroll Creek Montessori Public Charter School was approved Wednesday night by the Frederick County Board of Education, with a one-year probation.
Board members were concerned that the school did not meet the state’s assessments when it comes to math. The superintendent recommended the charter be renewed on a probationary basis.
Officials with the school acknowledged that it has had problems with meeting the state’s assessments on math.
The charter school asked for a renewal of its charter so it can work with the public school system staff on correcting this problem. The school’s current charter expires on June 30th, 2020.