‘Back the Blue’ Rally Held in Frederick County

Large crowd attended to support police, while others protested against local law enforcement

Frederick, Md. (DG) – A ‘Back the Blue Rally’ held on Saturday at the Frederick County Law Enforcement Center brought out a large crowd for and against police.

Melissa Robey, from Virginia, was one of the organizers.

“I know we have some people here that are protesting what we are doing which really does not make any sense because there are black police officers that are dying, there are Asian officers that are killed, Latino officers that are killed, I don’t know what you are protesting, but I am here to stand up for police,” Robey said.

Over the past three months anger has risen in the country after the death of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. Organizations like ‘Black Lives Matter’ claim black people are disproportionately targeted by police.

One protester at the weekend rally was Kristen Lundy, Executive Director for Frederick United. She was asked if ‘Blues Lives Matter.

“That’s a Smurf, and I’m sorry we’re not Smurfs, we don’t have blue people, blue lives don’t exist, so therefore it doesn’t matter to me. Them as a person matters to me, not that uniform,” Lundy said.

Lundy added she wants the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office to stop participating in the 287-G program, and the terror in the black and brown communities to end by the sheriff’s office and Frederick Police.

Organizers for the ‘Back the Blue Rally’ want the unjust treatment of police officers by citizens and politicians to stop and plan on holding more rallies to support law enforcement across the country.