Survey On New Frederick Police Chief To Continue Through Friday

Respondents can take the survey on line,  or fill out a paper survey.                                                                 



Frederick, Md (KM) If you think you missed your opportunity to describe what you want in a new Frederick Police Chief, that deadline has been extended. The original deadline was Sunday, November 1st, but the Search Committee has extended that to Friday, November 6th..

You can take the five-minute survey on line which is available in English and Spanish at

Paper surveys are also available at City Hall, and can be returned to a drop box on the West Church Street side of City Hall.

Residents can also watch and comment on the Search Committee’s virtual meetings. The board meets on Thursdays at 11:30 AM  to discuss the search process. Citizens can listen in by call 929-229-5669,and entering code 5865421#. Public comments are accepted at the end of the meeting.

Written comments can also be submitted

Residents can also share additional thoughts, questions and concerns at the public  engagement page at


By Kevin McManus