There is major pushback against Fox News coming from viewers across the country after the network called Arizona for Joe Biden on election night. Anchor Brett Baier is also under fire for deleting a tweet that was solely intended to promote an upcoming show.
“Join me + @marthamaccallum tonight 8pmET on @FoxNews,” Baier said. That tweet was followed by tons of negative comments mostly from people who claim to have lost faith in the network. “Nope – done with Fox,” read one tweet. “I’d rather get another vasectomy without anesthesia sir,” said another person.
Fox News is facing stiff competition from Newsmax and One America News Network (OAN), however the two things that those networks do not have are Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson. Those shows outranked every network from 8 to 11 p.m. from June to July.
“Fox’s ratings will likely remain high until the presidential election is resolved, but I am truly interested to see what happens after,” said a viewer on Twitter.