County Executive says it will help reduce hospitalizations, deaths.
Frederick, Md (KM). Frederick County will concentrate on its older population when it comes to distributing the COVID-19 vaccine. During a public information briefing on Thursday, County Executive Jan Gardner says there is a limited supply of the vaccine, but the need is the great.
Gardner said those who will be given top priority are those citizens age 75 and older. “So by focusing on this older population and getting them vaccinated first, I believe we will be most be able to reduce the number of deaths in our county–which really needs to be a top priority–as well hopefully reducing the number of hospitalizations,” she says.
There are about 14,000 citizens in Frederick County age 75 and older.
Along with that, the county will continue vaccinating those in the Phase 1A category: front line health care workers, and first responders such as fire fighters, medics and police officers.
The state is scheduled to enter into Phase 1C of its vaccination plan next week, which makes those people between the ages of 65 and 74 eligible for the vaccine, along public health and safety workers, lab services personnel, those who work in food and agricultural production, manufacturing, the US Postal Service, public transit and grocery stores. Gardner says Frederick County will continue to focus on those 75 and older. “Now, with this is consistent with the state direction to all counties to focus on this older and more vulnerable population before we open up clinics to other groups in 1B or in 1C,” she says.
The 1B category includes those 75 and older, along with people in assisted or independent living centers, developmental disabilities/behavioral health group homes and other congregate facilities, high risk incarcerated individuals, continuity of government vaccinations, and education, which includes K-12 teachers, support staff and child care providers.
Vaccine Registration:
Frederick County is focusing its efforts on vaccinating those residents who are 75 and older for COVID-19.
Health Officer, Dr. Barbara Brookmyer, said a call center is in place for all members of the community to register their interest in getting the vaccine.
“That’s to register to say ‘yes, I want vaccine, these are my personal characteristics that would make me eligible for vaccine,'” she explained. “It is not to schedule an appointment, that is yet another part of all of this.”
Dr. Brookmyer said those who are pre-registered in the 1-A group will receive their vaccine first. Then, those who are pre-registered and are 75 or older will begin receiving vaccines. This is due to the limited supply of the coronavirus vaccine in the county.
Dr. Brookmyer said the call center will be open Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 5 pm.
Residents who are 75 and older should register online at: FrederickCountyMD.go/CovidVaccine
English speakers should call: 301-600-7900
Spanish speakers should call: 301-600-7905