Frederick County To Take Part In Two Environmental Studies

They will be conducted by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments









Frederick, MD (KM) Two studies will be conducted in Frederick County by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.

One will take a look at the inventory of greenhouse gases generated by the county government’s internal operations. The Director of the County’s Office of Sustainability and Environmental Resources, Shannon Moore, said one process in this study will measure the amount of pollution coming from motor vehicles which use gasoline or diesel fuel. “Going green is saving green for us so, by reducing our energy consumption, we’re saving money,” said Moore. “That’s one of the things that we’re looking at doing through this plan.”

She stated Frederick County has reduced green house gas emissions. “In fact, Frederick County on the whole has reduced its green house gas emissions between 2005 and 2018 by 37%,” Moore said.

Moore said the second study would look at which vehicles in the county’s fleet could be converted from gas or diesel to electric powered, as well as where to place charging stations in the county. “The way that we’re making vehicles is really shifting, I mean we’re going to be needing places where people can get their vehicles charged as we move forward with electrification,” she explained.

She said possible locations for future charging stations are the Routes 355 and 85 corridors in the South Frederick County area.

Moore said the Council of Governments will be doing the studies with assistance from the Office of Sustainability and Environmental Resources.



By Kevin McManus