Frederick County Public Schools Getting Ready For Summer School

Classes begin in late June.





Frederick, Md (KM) Everything from career and technical opportunities; classes for students who need extra support; and programs for English language learners. Those are just some of the offering this summer by Frederick County Public Schools.

“After this last year, we know that families are going to be looking for all kinds of enrichment activities for their students as transition from one school year to the next,” says Spokesman Brandon Oland.

Summer school  starts on Monday, June 29th, and ends on Thursday, July 29th. Schools and offices will be closed on Monday, July 5th in observance of Independence Day.

Oland says the length of the school day will depend on what courses a student takes. “We have specific programs that will run from from nine till one. And we have some that will run the full day. And then we also have some if you’re trying to earn credits in one course,  it’s an hour and a half, or two hours. So it really varies,” he says.

There’s  another program that will help students who lost a lot of learning because of the pandemic. “We also have a 20-day summer program that we call The Elevated Academy that will support the learning of students throughout FCPS due to the pandemic. And those are students we have identified that need extra supports in all grade levels,” says Oland.

He says parents who want to enroll their children in summer school can contact their local schools to see what’s available.

The 2021–2022 academic year in Frederick County Public Schools begins on Wednesday, August 18th.



By Kevin McManus