Money For A Frederick County Project In A Federal Transportation Bill

The money will be for Rt. 15 reconstruction.










Washington DC (KM) More than $42-million in transportation projects for Maryland’s Sixth Congressional District is contained in a bill being considered by the US House of Representatives. Congressman David Trone’s office says this includes $8.8-millionĀ  for Route 15 reconstruction work in Frederick County, and $4.62-million for Phase Two of work on Interstate 81 in Washington County.

The funding is part of the INVEST America Act which is a $547-million surface transportation reauthorization bill

“it’s long past time we invest in our broken infrastructure and rebuild our communities,” says Representative Trone, in a statement. “The infrastructure funding I was able to get in this bill for Maryland’s Sixth District will spur economic growth, create jobs and improve quality of life. ThisĀ  funding will go to our communities where local leaders have told us they need it most. It’s about time we listen to what our communities need and invest in those needs.”

This bill contains Member Designated Projects which have been requested by Representative Trone and other members of the House of Representatives.

The legislation will be considered in a mark-up hearing before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on Wednesday.

Trone is a member of the House Appropriations Committee as well as the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation.


By Kevin McManus