Eight Frederick County Rural Historic Preservation Grants Awarded On Thursday

The money is used to fix up historic buildings..









Frederick, Md (KM) The first set of Rural Historic Preservation Grants were awarded on Thursday by Frederick County Executive Jan Gardner. She says the property owners received a total of $358,000 to fix up historic buildings on their properties.

Gardner says this is the first batch of grants to go out under the Rural Historic Preservation Program which was launched  last year. She says very few jurisdictions have such a program to preserve historic properties in rural areas. “We’ve done an outstanding job of preserving our rich history in our urban core. Until now, we’ve not really focused on our rural areas,:” she said. “And if we can protect our historic bank barns, our rural homestead and our other cultural resources, we will be protecting pieces of our past that tell our story, and make our community unique.”

Property owners interested in getting some help in preserving their historic buildings can apply for these grants. Gardner said these grants are competitive. The property must be located in the unincorporated areas of the county, and be listed on the County or National Register  of Historical Places.

Gardner says these grant applications went through a comprehensive review process that started in March. The judges  “took into account factors such as the urgency of the project, how much historically significant material would be retained , and any provisions for long term resource preservation,:” she says. “Points were awarded to projects  that leveraged funds from other sources.”

The following projects were awarded grants:

* Basil Harding Farmhouse Green Valley Road, New Market. $46,800 to replace the existing roof, which dates back to 1885. The farmhouse was originally constructed around 1800 and has been recommended by the Historic Preservation Commission for listing on the Frederick County Register of Historic Places.

*Daniel James Farmhouse – Old Annapolis Road, Mount Airy. $44,625 to restore two chimneys and two of the four elevations of the mid-1800s farmhouse. The farm has been recommended by the HPC for listing on the County Register.

*Henry Brandenberg Property(Bidle Hill Farm) – Myersville Road, Myersville. $50,000 to repair several buildings on the farm and replace roofing and other items with materials that more closely match what was originally used in 1818.The brick house is an example of the typical Maryland Piedmont farmhouse and is eligible for listing on the County Register

*Linganore Farmhouse – Linganore Road, Frederick. $45,360 to replace flooring and a roof, and repair 56 windows, shutters and trim on this 1850s structure, which once served as a mill, a distillery, and a resort. The house is a contributing resource for the property’s inclusion on the National Historic Register. The property is also listed on the County Register.

*Oakland / Crown Rose Estate – Jefferson Pike, Knoxville. $50,000 to repair leaks, replacing rotting wood, and install exterior storm windows and doors on the estate, which was first built between 1856 and 1860. The property is listed on the County Register.

*Rocky Springs School House – Rocky Springs Road, Frederick. $45,526 to rebuild, repair and restore portions of 1830s stone and brick walls in one of the oldest one-room schools remaining in Maryland. Once fully restored, the building will be a public center for historical interpretation and research.The preservation effort won the 2021 Maryland Preservation Award for Excellence by the Maryland Historic Trust. The property has been recommended for listing on the County Register.

*Smith’s Store (Thomas A. Smith & c. Store) – Urbana Pike, Urbana. $26,055 to replace roofs and repair exterior wood framing, windows, and damaged bricks. The building was constructed in 1815, with additions made in 1830 and 1860. The structure served as a store, post office, blacksmith shop and tavern. The property is listed on the County Register.

*William Downey House – Detrick Road, Mount Airy. $50,000 to repoint mortar joints and replace broken bricks in the exterior walls of the farmhouse, which was built in 1760 and is one the earliest brick homes in the area. The building is listed on the Frederick County Landmarks Foundation’s register of historic places and have been recommended by the HPC for listing on the County Register.


The funding for the grants comes from revenue from the recordation tax which is imposed on certain property transfers.

More information on the program can be found at www.frederickcountymd.gov?7981`/Historic-Preservation. Any questions should be directed at Amanda Whitmore, the County Historic Preservation Planner at [email protected].


By Kevin McManus