Pavement Repairs To Take Place On Rt. 15 In Frederick County

SHA says they include pothole repairs.








Frederick, Md (KM) Pavement repairs will be taking place over the next few nights on Route 15 in Frederick County. The Maryland Department of Transportation  State Highway Administration says the repairs will be done on northbound Route 15 at Jefferson Street.

The work will  take place on Thursday, July 15th during the overnight hours, .and will continue on Sunday and Monday., July 18th, and July 19th.  The hours each day will be from 9:00 PM to 5:00 AM

Crews will close one lane of northbound Route 15. Motorists will be detoured to eastbound Route 180 to northbound Route 15. The contractor,  Charles J. Miller, LLC., will put up electronic signs, cones and barrels to alert drivers to the roadwork. .


By Kevin McManus