Faith Debate: August 29th, 2021

Advent Traditions

This episode brings us Christmas in August.  Why do Christians celebrate this holiday the way that they do?  What’s the origin of some of these social and religious conventions?  How should discerning individuals think about all of this?  This is the content that comprises the majority of our time in this potpourri edition of the show.  Also, it is possible that this is the final ever broadcast of the Faith Debate on WFMD.  (We’ll find out together, soon enough, if this proves to be the case.)  So, just in case… and as I mention during the final minutes of the show… thank you for helping us at the Faith Debate enjoy seventeen wonderful years on the radio.  Your support has been a true blessing.

The panel:

Troy Skinner.  Pastor of Household of Faith in Christ.

Link to Faith Debate podcasts on iTunes here.  Stream, Share, Download, and Embed past shows using the WFMD “Audio Vault”.