It’s from the Legal Assistance for Victims Program.
Baltimore, Md (KM) Hearlty House in Frederick is one of three non-profits in Maryland receiving US Department of Justice grants to address violence against women. The local agency which assists victims of domestic violence is receiving $427,999 to hire an attorney for long term legal services for victims and survivors of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, dating violence and child abuse, according to the US Attorney’s Office for Maryland. .
The other agencies are the House of Ruth in Baltimore, which is receiving $600,000, and the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault in Silver Spring, which is in line for $80,000.
The total amount if Maryland being provided is $1,827,899. Nationally, the grant amounts being awarded total $36-million.
The US Attorney’s Office for Maryland says these grants come from the Legal Assistance for Victims Program of the Justice Department’s Office of Violence Against Women, which provides civil and criminal legal assistance to adult and youth victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. It’s done by providing direct legal services to victims in legal matters coming from abuse or violence. This extends beyond having a lawyer in emergency and non-emergency protection order hearings. but addresses a wide range of legal issues, including family matters such as divorce, child custody or child support, immigration, administrative agency proceedings and consumer or housing matters, according to the US Attorney’s Office.
“These grants will be used to provide long term legal services to victims and survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence in areas such as family law, housing and employment,” says Acting US Attorney for Maryland, Jonathan Lenzner, in a statement. “This will enable these victims and survivors to achieve lasting safety and economic independence for themselves and their families.”
By Kevin McManus