Up to 88 people have died in six states and that number could go up.
Frederick, Md (KM) Frederick County residents can help the people in Kentucky devastated by the tornadoes which blew through the state last week. The Stauffer family which owns Stauffer Funeral Homes, is collecting a trailer of supplies to send to Kentucky, and is in need of these items:
- Water
- Non-perishable foods (no canned foods at this time)
- Plastic cups, plates and utensils
- Paper towels
- Toilet paper
- Cleaning supplies
- Garbage bags
- Storage containers
- Pet food
- Baby products
- Blankets
- Christmas gifts for all ages
Donations can be dropped off at the Stauffer Funeral Home at 1621 Opposumtown Pike. in Frederick by Friday afternoon, December 17th.
Courtney Mathis Stauffer, whose the Funeral Home’s Director of Marketing, grew up in Kentucky, and most of her family lives there. The Stauffer family says her hometown is right next to Mayfield, which was devastated by the twisters.
The tornadoes killed about 88 people in six states as of Tuesday, with 74 people in Kentucky alone. State officials say that number is expected to increase.
By Kevin McManus