Faith Debate: January 2nd, 2022

Discussion Topics

This Faith Debate discusses a number of issues, including:

Lots of “firsts” (Harris “woman of color as VP, Buttigieg openly gay Transportation Secretary, Jenner transgender GOP gubernatorial candidate in California)

Big political changes (BB Netanyahu out as Prime Minister of Israel, Gorsuch-Kavanaugh-Barrett on bench, China bigger threat than Russia)

Deaths of cultural icons (Ruth Ginsburg, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Trebek, Larry King, Price Philip)

This is episode three in a five-part series, with all five recorded while live streaming. The full video is available on YouTube at the Household of Faith in Christ channel:

The panel:

Troy Skinner. Pastor of Household of Faith in Christ.

David Forsee. Pastor of The Church That Meets at David’s House.

Imran “Raz” Razvi. Pastor and Founder of Conquered By Love Ministries.

Daniel Razvi. Pastor serving The Church That Meets at Imran’s House.

Link to Faith Debate podcasts on iTunes here. Stream, Share, Download, and Embed past shows using the WFMD “Audio Vault”.