Camp Jamie To Hold Session Next Month For Teenagers

It helps teens get through the death of someone special.

Frederick, Md. (KM) – A Camp Jamie session for teenagers is coming up on Saturday, April 2nd at the Thorpewood Retreat Center.

Kaili Van Waveren, a traumatic grief specialist for Frederick Health Hospice, says Camp Jamie provides an opportunity for teenagers and younger children who have experienced the death of a loved one to come together and talk about their feelings, and learn some coping skills. “Intervention like Camp Jamie are these opportunities for kids to come together to receive support, particularly from their peers, can have a tremendously healing affect that really does last for many years,” she says.

Van Waveren says Camp Jamie has, in addition to grief education and support,   other activities such as team games, arts and crafts, hiking,  campfires with story tellers and pet therapy. There’s also music therapy, and animal therapy, especially at the Thorpewood Retreat Center. “We increasingly are doing things like eco-therapy or nature therapy, and really focusing on mindfulness as well,:” she says.

Camp Jamie has been around for over 30 years, says Van Waveren, and it has made a difference in the lives of teenagers and younger children. “We’ll often hear from parents how they’ve noticed a huge change in their child since attending camp,” Van Waveren says “And sometimes the parent or guardian will even say ‘the change I saw in my child made me realize I also need some grief support.'”

Two other Camp Jamie sessions are coming up for children in grades one through eight. One is taking place on June 10-12th at the Skycroflt Center In Middletown. A second one planned for September 24th at the Frederick Health Village in Frederick.

For more information go the Frederick Health Hospice website at

By Kevin McManus