Sibling Rivalry
The panel discusses several books and resource materials available through Conquered By Love Ministries that address fostering healthy sibling relationships. Some of the book titles covered include: “Conquering Sibling Rivalry: How to Have Children Not Fight”, “That’s Not Fair: Conquering Jealousy”, “Chores: How and Why to Teach Siblings to Work Well Together on Chores”, and “Sharing and Contentment”.
This is episode two of four that were recorded while live streaming. The full video is available on Rumble at the Household of Faith in Christ channel:
The panel:
Troy Skinner. Pastor of Household of Faith in Christ.
Imran Razvi. Pastor and Founder of Conquered By Love Ministries.
Daniel Razvi. Pastor serving The Church That Meets at Imran’s House.
David Forsee. Pastor of a house church in Frederick County.
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