Work on that $93 million project has been going on for a few years.
Frederick, Md (KM) Here’s some good news if you normally travel at the interchange of Maryland Route 85 at Interstate 270. where road construction has been taking place for a few years. The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration says that project is almost completed.
“It has been going for quite some time,”: says MDOT SHA spokesman Danny Allman. “This should be nearing completion. This is probably one of the final traffic configurations before it’s complete later this fall.”
But Allman says beginning on Monday evening, September 26th, crews will be working on a new exit lane on both north and southbound Rt. 85 to northbound I-270. “We’ll also going to have one additional travel lane on northbound and southbound 85 between Spectrum Drive and south Crestwood Boulevard,” he says. “We’re also going to install a new concrete and curbs on 85.”
That work will be done during the early morning hours of Monday and Tuesday, September 26th and 27th from 9:00 PM until 5:00 AM both days. . Allman also says all three projects are expected to be completed by early Tuesday morning.
MDOT SHA says the $93 million project replaced the two bridges which carried I-270 over Rt. 85 with a new span that has longer exit lanes and wider shoulders. Crews also installed a partial diverging diamond interchange on Rt. 85 to improve traffic flows and access to and from I-270.
By Kevin McManus