Interested residents can still sign up for one of eight courses being offered.
Frederick, Md (KM) The Frederick School of Religion begins next weak. It will feature eight courses that explore such topics as Christian Nationalism, Climate and Environmental Justice and answering questions about the Islamic faith.
Gerry Blessing, the School’s Secretary, says the school used to start in January of each year, but it’s been moved to April. “The reason for that is avoid possible snow interference,” he says. “We’ve always had some postponements., some cancellations of individual classes. And instead of dealing with that, we decided to go after Easter.”
The classes begin on Monday, April 17th at the Trinity United Methodist Church at 703 West Patrick Street in Frederick, just off of US 15. The classes will continue through May 23rd.
Blessing says one of the eight classes this year examines “Christian Nationalism.” “Christian Nationalism in the US is hailed by some Christians as the fulfillment of God’s purpose for America. But others as its greatest threat. So we’ll see this is a great political divide in our country now,” he says. The course will be taught by Larry Eubanks, the recently retired pastor at the First Baptist Church in Frederick.
Another course deals with Climate and Environmental Justice. “The class will explore different faith traditions’ beliefs about creation, and the systematic problems., and what science says can be done about our environment,” says Blessing. The class will be taught by Sherie Koch, a United Methodist Certified Lay Minister, and a Global Ministries Earth Keeper.
And for those who want to know more about Islam, there is a course called “Islam? Your Questions.” Anyone who has wondered about the Islamic practices in life and death, the Hajj, or Ramadan and fasting, and Sharia in a country which believes in separation of church and state. can take this class. It will be taught by Dr. Sayed Haque. “He is a physician and he’s a leading spokesman in Frederick for the Islamic community,” says Blessing.
Other classes are called “Celtic Spirituality: Reviving ‘Anam Cara’ In Life and Creation;” “The Evolution of the Symphony;” “The First Christian Centuries: Apostolic Origins to the fall of the Roman Empire and Quest of Alopen;” “101:Basic Tenets of Jewish Mysticism;” and “Speech from the ‘Whirlwind.'”
For more information on these course and the School of Religion, you can log on to
The school is open to both laity and clergy.
By Kevin McManus