She says it would help address a growing school system.
Frederick, Md (KM) Some additional money could be coming to Frederick County Public Schools for fiscal year 2024. County Executive Jessica Fitzwater is proposing a supplemental budget of $14.07-million to help offset the changes to Maryland’s school funding formula. She says it would also replenish the School System’s self insurance fund which was affected by higher than anticipated health claims.
This money is in addition to the $405-million being allocated by the County for the School System for fiscal year 2024. That amount is $44-million less than the School Board’s request.
“In my budget address, I recognized that this funding still does not meet the Board of Education’s full request,” Fitzwater wrote in a letter to Superintendent Dr. Cheryl Dyson and Board of Education President Sue Johnson. “I pledge to work with out and other stakeholders to implement the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future so our schools are places where every student can succeed.”
The additional funding comes from $9.07-million in income tax revenue collected during the current fiscal year, and $5-million from the County’s revenue stabilization fund.
“Like every government and school system, we are dealing with the effects of the pandemic–including its effects on our budgets,” Fitzwater continues in her letter. “With this supplemental budget, I am proposing to hold FCPS harmless from a state decision and to mitigate the efforts of a massive premium increase on your employees and retires. Together, these actions will help FCPS deal with the unprecedented challenges currently facing our school system.”
The County Council heard a presentation on this supplemental funding during a meeting on Tuesday.
By Kevin McManus