Life Sentence Handed Down In Rape Case In Frederick

The defendant also received a concurrent 25-year sentence for assault.

Frederick, Md (KM) A Walkersville man was given a stiff sentence on Monday in connection with a rape more than two years ago. Norris Bernard Ellis, 59, was given life in prison for his conviction of 1st-degree rape. He will be eligible for parole in 15 years.

Along with that, Circuit Court Judge Scott Rolle sentenced Ellis to 25 yeas for first-degree assault. That sentence will be served concurrently with his life sentence, and Ellis will eligible for parole after he’s completed half of that sentence. .

Ellis was convicted on May 22nd of this year for 1st-degree rape,1st-degree assault and 2nd-degree assault.

During the early morning hours of July 4th, 2021, Ellis grabbed a woman who was walking down South Carroll Street, pulled herĀ  into an alley and raped her.

Ellis also had a prior rape conviction in the 1980’s.

By Kevin McManus