Florida Death Could Have A Frederick Connection

A woman was found dead 16 years ago was recently identified.

Sarasota, Fl. (KM) The death of a woman in Florida may have some connection to Frederick, Maryland.

FOX 13 TV in Tampa Bay reports that authorities say the remains of a woman found in 16 year years ago in a shallow grave in Sarasota went unidentified until recently. Improved DNA technology determined she was Jeana Burrus. She was never reported missing by her family. Police have identified her husband, James Burrus, as a person of interest.

According to FOX 13, authorities say they have questioned James Burrus about his wife’s disappearance, but say he provided few details. about his wife. No charges have been filed.

The couple lived in Frederick for a time before moving to Sarasota, Florida. Jeana Burrus has some family who live in Maryland, FOX 13 reports.

By Kevin McManus