Pre-Trial Movement Continues In Case Against Jenkins, Krop

Both are charged with conspiracy and making false statements to illegally acquire machine guns.

Frederick, Md (KM) The pre-trial arguments continue in federal court regarding the case against Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins and local businessman Robert Krop. Both men were indicted in April for conspiracy and making false statements in order to illegally obtain machine guns. Krop is also charged with illegal possession of a machine gun. Both have pleaded not guilty.

Attorneys for both defendants have asked for separate trials; federal prosecutors are opposed.

In court on Monday, the defense says it wants the entire recorded interview with Jenkins by federal agents to be played during trial. The prosecution says it will play a redacted version.

US District Court Judge Stephanie Gallagher says she’s concerned this could violate a Supreme Court ruling that which states a defendant’s rights would be violated if a co-defendant implicates them in a statement in court during trial.

By Kevin McManus