It will help them save money on installation.
Home with solar panels.
Frederick, Md (KM If you’ve ever thought about installing solar panels on your home, now may be a good time. Lindsay Humphrey, Program Administrator for the Frederick County Division of Energy and Environment, says a co-op has been formed consisting of homeowners who have banded together to have solar installed on their homes at a lower cost. “So that process kind of takes the burden off of residents when getting roof top solar because they’re able to participate in this program, and they’re getting quality and a good price for roof top solar,” she says.
Humphrey says the company which manages the co-op will negotiate with contractors to secure the best price for installing solar panels. “And they’re using bulk purchasing power which allows residents to get up to a 20 percent discount on the installation of solar at their homes,” she says.
The company will review the bids offered by solar contractors and pick the one it feels is best. Humphrey says arrangements can be made if more than one contractor is needed for a large number of co-op members. “IF they’re evaluating and there are 100 people signed up. We have one contractor right now. They’re going to be able to meet the demand, then they bring in more contractors to meet the demands of the area,” she says.
Right now there are 35 members of the co-op, and more people are invited to join. “The programs has been running for at least six years, and I know I’ve got to asked a few people, and they haven’t had any issues with serving all the residents who have signed up for the co-op in previous years,” she said.
To apply, go on line to\en\capitalarea\home.
The deadline to apply is August 30ths, 2023.
By Kevin McManus