Frederick County Public School Students Do Well According To 2023 Md. Assessment Program Results.

Improvements seen in Math, English/Language Arts, Sciences.

Frederick, Md (KM) Students in Frederick County Public Schools performed above state averages in all subjects and grade levels. That’s according to the Maryland State Department of Education which released its 2023  Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program Results last week.

MSDE says local students scored well in math, English/language arts and science. But a substantial percentage scored just below the proficiency score cutoff. . However they are considered on the cusp of proficiency by many assessments.

In elementary schools, test takers achieved  six to 12 percentage points above the state average on English/Language Arts. Elementary students improved three to seven percentage points depending upon grade level. And FCPS came in  third in the state on the Maryland Integrated Science assessment results.

Middle school students’ English/language Arts scores  increased by five to seven percentage points, and math scores improved by three to four percentage points.

In high school, 76 percent of the test takers scored  proficient or distinguished on the English  10 assessment, which is an improvement of seven percentage points from last year’s data, according to FCPS.

Like a number of school districts across the state, Frederick County Public Schools’ are dealing with achievement gaps from  students receiving special services, and those with special needs, including students receiving free and reduced-price meals, school system officials say.

By Kevin McManus