Frederick County’s Community Partnership Grant Program Expands

More non-profits will be  able to apply for grants.

Frederick, Md (KM) The Community Partnership Grant program in Frederick County has been expanded. County Executive Jessica Fitzwater said during her public information briefing on Monday that applications for this program will be taken from more non-profit organizations.

“Organizations who historically have not qualified for CPG funding may now be eligible,”: Fitzwater says. “So we encourage all of our area non-profit organizations to review this funding opportunity for their respective organizations.”

The grants for fiscal year 2025 will focus on these priorities:

*Housing initiatives such as affordable housing and initiatives to help people age in place.

*Addressing homelessness and housing insecurity

*Quality of life initiatives such as support for senior citizens, youth support and engagement, recreation and transportation innovation.

*Health and Human Services  which includes programs addressing mental health, behavioral health, substance abuse prevention and intervention and maternal health

* Arts and the Creative Economy to include organizations expanding access to cultural enrichment and providing community arts and culture programing.

The  county says these changes to the CPG program will better reflect diverse priority finding areas,. and align CPG with other grant programs offered by the county.. “By bringing all of our funding opportunities under one program, it is our hope that we can more equitably provide resources to our area non-profits, level the playing field for applications for reporting purposes, and widen our umbrella of supportive programs,” says Fitzwater.

The administration of this new program has been moved to the Division of Finance through the Office of Procurement and Contracting.

Fitzwater  says any non-profit which wants to know more about these changes to the CPG program are invited to attend an information session on Tuesday, November 7th from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM at Winchester Hall.

Applications from non-profits for the Community Partnership Program will be taken beginning on Monday, November 27th through  The deadline to apply is Friday, January 5th, 2024 at 4:00 PM.

By Kevin McManus