Frederick County Accepting Applications for Agriculture Innovative Grant Program

The deadline to apply is March 31st.

Frederick, Md (KM) The application process is underway for Frederick County’s  Agriculture Innovation Grants.   Farmers who are looking to expand or diversify their operations are invited to apply.

“We have heard from our farmers that the Agriculture Innovation Grants have made a big difference,” says County Executive Jessica Fitzwater, in a statement. “Helping operations to diversify and launch new projects is vital to preserving Frederick County’s rich agricultural history. You can’t preserve the farm without preserving the farmer.”

The grants of $5,000 or more are available for crop and livestock producers, valued-added producers, agricultural cooperatives, seafood processors, and primary and secondary timber processors. They can be used for research and development, production buildings, major fixtures  and processing facilities.

The county says so far the grant program has awarded approximately $1,389,976 toward 56 Frederick County agriculture projects, which has created 146 full time positions, and 176 part time positions.

Grants are competitive   A review committee will score all applications based on established metrics and make recommendations to the County Executive. .

The deadline to apply is March 31st.

You can apply on line by going to; or call Becca Tucker at 240-739-2013, or contact her by e-mail at [email protected].

By Kevin McManus