It would add two new members.
Frederick, Md (KM) The Frederick County Council is considering legislation which allows the Sustainable Monocacy Commission to increase its membership. Gary Magnuson, who chairs the panel, says the board wants to expand its members to include a person who owns property contiguous to a named or unnamed tributary of the Monocacy River. He says the Commission’s concerns extend beyond the Monocacy itself.
“Set forth by the Council in 2020, when the Commission was established, to manage, maintain and safeguard the health and productivity of a 58-mile river, and its surround watershed of 970 square miles,” he said.
Magnuson made his presentation to the County Council last Tuesday.
The Commission also wants to add a student enrolled in high school or a post secondary school as a member. “The Commission is particularly eager for the involvement and views of a student member to improve outreach and understanding among other attributes,” says Magnuson.
Having a student on the Commission would aid in the development of the next generation of county residents, and provide experience in the development of future leaders in the fields of sustainability., public policy and environmental policy, according to background materials provided at last week’s meeting.
The Council is expected to decide on this request at later date. The Commission has nine members, and two ex-officio members.
The purpose of the sustainable Monocacy Commission is to recommend policies to improve water quality, maintain and restore the ecological health and productivity of the river, and its tributaries. It’s also tasked with conserving and protecting wildlife habitat and the natural , cultural, and scenic character of the Monocacy River and its tributaries.
By Kevin McManus