Faith Debate: May 5th, 2024

“Why I Left the Church”

“Pastor” Alexander Lang left his post at a PCUSA church in suburban Chicago. He stepped down in a very high-profile way on social media. In explaining his resignation he complained about the unrealistic expectations placed upon ordained men. Are his observations mostly fair and accurate, or are they mostly the “insights” of an unbeliever who should never have been allowed to stand in a pulpit?

This is the fifth of five episodes featuring this particular panel. All five are available in video format, as one long video, on the Rumble channel for Household of Faith in Christ.

The panel:

Troy Skinner. Pastor, Household of Faith in Christ
David Forsee. 
Pastor, multi-location house church
Daniel Razvi. 
Pastor, Church That Meets at Imran’s
Imran Razvi. 
Founder, Conquered By Love Ministries