Federal Prosecutors In Robert Krop Case Say They Need More Time In Preparing New Indictment

They’re asking a federal judge for one more week.

Baltimore, Md (KM) Federal prosecutors say they need more time to determine whether to put together a new indictment against the owner of the Machine Gun Nest in Frederick, and they’ve asked a federal judge to extend the deadline by one week. .

The Frederick News Post reports that prosecutors say they need the additional time to properly evaluate the case, and if it’s appropriate, to present it to the grand jury for consideration.

Robert Krop and Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins were indicted last year on five counts of conspiracy and making false statements to illegally acquire machine guns.  Both men have pleaded not guilty.

On May 3rd, 2024, US District Court Judge Stephanie Gallagher dismissed the indictment against Krop, noting the defendant’s speedy trial rights were violated. But she gave federal prosecutors until May 24th to file a new indictment against Krop, or drop the case.

Judge Gallagher said the violation of Krop’s speedy trial rights was done without prejudice, she will hold Krop’s trial   dates until prosecutors file another indictment, or dismiss the case.   The trial  is scheduled to begin on October 15th, 2024,  and last eight days.

The charges against Jenkins still remain.

By Kevin McManus