October is breast cancer awareness month. To commemorate, we are encouraging listeners to help raise awareness of by supporting Pinktober. For the entire month of October we will highlight events around the Frederick area that support research and encourage survivors of breast cancer. You can help by making a donation and attending any of the events listed below.
Check Out These Local Businesses Supporting Pinktober
Premiere Dental Arts– $5 from every teeth whitening kit sold in the month of October will be donated to the Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund
Thurmont Kountry Kitchen– $.50 from every cupcake sold in October will go to the Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund
Indellibelle– 10% from every lash lift & tint will be donated to the Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund
Club Pilates- 10% of retail sales will be donated to the Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund
Pinktober Events
Turn Your Pink On
All Month Long
Don’t forget to pick up your Pink Light Bulb so you can Turn Your Pink On beginning October 1st for the entire month from 6-8 p.m.! Show your support for Thurmont’s 7th Annual Gateway To The Cure Campaign that begins October 1! You can pick up your Pink Light Bulb at Cousins Ace Hardware, Hobbs Hardware, & the Thurmont Town Office. Proceeds from Gateway To The Cure are donated to the Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund at Frederick Health. Thanks to your support, the Town of Thurmont has donated over $83,000 to Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund at Frederick Health.
Pumpkins Pink
October 1-16 2020
Pumpkins for Pink: Decorate a pumpkin for breast cancer awareness month and have your pumpkin displayed in the window at the Thurmont Main Street Center for the month of October! When voting your favorite pumpkin, just look in the Main Street Center & decide which number(s) you want to vote for! You can vote for as many pumpkins as you want.
You can vote by going to:
- Thurmont Town Office Mon-Fri from 8a-4p at 615 East Main Street
- Calling the Thurmont Town Office at 301-271-7313 and voting by credit card
- Visit the Thurmont Main Street Center on Fridays & Saturdays from 11a-4p
To enter your pumpkin to be displayed in our Pumpkins for Pink and be displayed at the Thurmont Main Street Center, just decorate your pumpkin and drop off at the Thurmont Town Office at the above hours or the Thurmont Main Street Center at the above hours. You can enter your pumpkin anytime up until October 16.
Last year\’s winner was Teresa Kane Bryant who is a breast cancer survivor & was a recipient of the great work of the Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund.
Proceeds are donated to the Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund at Frederick Health. For more information on the fund go to pinkribbon.org
Pink in the Rink
October 4, 2020
Skate Frederick
Come out to Skate Frederick for Frederick Fire’s Breast Cancer Awareness Game. Frederick Fire will be taking on Wonder Women. Puck drop is at 5:30. Admission is $5. All procceds will be donated to the Hurwtiz Breast Cancer Fund. Please wear your masks, stay socially distant and wear pink for the cure!
2nd Annual Gateway to the Cure Golf Classic
October 9, 2020
Maple Run Golf Club
The 2nd Annual Gateway to the Cure Golf Classic is Friday October 9 at Maple Run Golf Club. $85 per person includes 18 holes of golf, golf cart, goodie bag, catered lunch. 1st place wins $300. Golf starts at 8:30am. Get more info at https://app.eventcaddy.com/events/gateway-to-the-cure-golf-classic-25?fbclid=IwAR0jwyKGgQ0AjEyzb8lJZs9-UXPXvQxzNNWbjA1OJP4RydJzq_lIWLfIQJQ
12th Annual Pink Ribbon 5k
October 9-11 2020
This year the Pink Ribbon 5k is going virtual. Register online to run or walk anytime between October 9-11. You can run on your own time on your own route or even on your treadmill. Registration is $30. You can buy a t-shirt separately. Get more info at https://www.pinkribbonfrederick.org/event/20205k/