Tag Archives: The Church

Faith Debate: April 28th, 2024

Faith Debate: April 28th, 2024

Departure: Story of a Deconstructed Faith A pastor in suburban Chicago resigned from position in a very high-profile way. In his extensive online comments he complains about the pressures faced by men of the cloth. In making his case, does Alexander Lang expose himself as someone who lacks a biblical worldview, and therefore reveal that…read more »

Faith Debate: September 24th, 2023

Faith Debate: September 24th, 2023

SJ&G: Gospel, Salvation, The Church, Heresy, and Sexuality/Marriage This Faith Debate continues an examination of The Statement on Social Justice and The Gospel. Within the episode the panel tackles the middle portion of the “Articles” of “Affirmation” and “Denial” offered in 2018 for public consideration. The full discussion (which covers four shows) is available as…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, March 26th, 2023 – 9am

Program Air Date: Sunday, March 26th, 2023 – 9am

The Chicago Statement on Biblical Application The Faith Debate begins its examination of the 1986 Chicago Statement on Biblical Application. This episode shares thoughts about the opening portion of the document (Articles I though IV: “The Living God”, “The Savior and His Work”, “The Holy Spirit and His Work”, and “The Church and It’s Mission”).…read more »