No arrests were made.
Frederick, Md. (KM) 186 drivers were contacted on Saturday, September 24th by Frederick Police as part of their Sobriety Checkpoint operation in the 800 block of North Market Street.
Officers stopped motorists traveling in that area between 11:00 PM and 2:00 AM, checking for signs of impaired driving and other safety violations. They also handed out safety tips and information about impaired driving, speeding and using seatbelts.
No arrests were made.
Frederick Police say they conduct Checkpoints as part of the Checkpoint Strikeforce funded by the Maryland Department of Transportation’s Highway Safety Office.
In a statement, police say that traffic crashes remain the leading cause of death for Maryland residents. They encourage motorists to always drive sober, obey the speed limit, wear their seatbelts and eliminate distractions.
If you see an impaired driver on the road, you’re strongly urges you to call 911.
By Kevin McManus