The measure was introduced last week by Councilman Tony Chmelik.
Frederick, MD – (LG) The president of the Board of Education for Frederick County Public Schools is speaking out after Councilman Tony Chmelik last week, introduced a proposal that would allow home-schooled students to take part in extra curricular activities at local public schools. Brad Young says the board has not yet taken an official position on the proposal, but he said it will be discussed in the next several weeks when officials come together to consider what will be included in the county’s legislative package for the Two-Thousand-18 Maryland General Assembly. “Personally, I’ve talked about it in the past and I see it has a lot of merit, but it also has a lot of uncertainties that we would have to figure out.”
Young said many issues would have to be worked out. “As a former coach in Frederick County sports, one of the things extremely important is the eligibility of the athlete, and the academics, and what they are doing as a home school child. We would have to figure out if they complied with that,” Young continued.
According to the Home School Legal Defense Association, twenty-two states currently require public schools to allow homeschoolers some type of access to classes or sports.